Guess who wrote the Foreword...

I am highly pregnant 🫃 

My new book "How To Communicate For Results & Feel Great" is coming out late March.

Who would have guessed that a global celebrity wrote the Foreword!?!

To give you an idea...

This person has featured in a blockbuster movie, has authored numerous international best-selling books, was awarded the "Top Human Behaviour Specialist Of The Year" title while his picture was featured on the big screens of Times Square NYC, and is global legend.

Below is the Foreword - and look out for this celebrity's name!


Bram and I met in Melbourne Australia for the first time after a presentation I gave at the Melbourne Convention Centre. He was indirectly familiar with my teachings through his wife Andrea, who had already been a student of mine for a number of years.

Some words and gestures that Bram said and demonstrated in that initial meeting caught my attention - it was his sincere desire to enthusiastically contribute and serve. We met several times after during my visits to Australia. He interviewed me when I hosted an event in Sydney. A friendship started to develop. 

I invited Bram to come and visit me at my home onboard “The World of Residences at Sea” when it was docked in Outer Harbour, South Australia. He soon invited me to speak on the topic of “selling is caring” at his National $ales Conference in 2017. It was such a great event, and the following year I came back again to speak to Bram’s audience about how great leaders inspire their people.

“How To Communicate For Results & Feel Great” is a topic close to my heart. It is the foundation of all relationships. As an author of some international best-selling books “The Breakthrough Experience”, “The Gratitude Effect”, “How To Make One Hell of A Profit And Still Get To Heaven”, and “The Values Factor”, I have made it my life’s work to help people transform and empower themselves and by doing so, change the trajectory of their lives.

I am inspired by and applaud Bram’s mission, which is “To help 2 billion people with business, professional, personal and financial growth by 2043”. Knowing him, I can tell that he deeply cares about people and that he lives in line with his highest values. It is a great and worthy goal, and I love how he makes himself accountable for it.

This book was eye opening for me because it presented very meaningful and inspiring principles as well as many practical down to earth tools and methods that could help any individual take command of their lives and business and be able to more effectively, efficiently, and caringly serve ever greater numbers of customers, clients, or people. 

You’re holding in your hands a special book that will transform and uplift your life, your relationships, your career, your business, your team, and your future. Soak up the wisdom in it. Put it to the test. Practice it every day and watch the difference it will make.

I believe that you cannot put your hand into the pot of glue without some of the glue sticking. So too, you cannot put your hands into the practical insights ad wisdom presented in Bram’s new book without your life becoming enriched. 

Before I sign off, I’d like to congratulate you, the reader, for making a wise investment in you. 

Love & wisdom,

Dr John Demartini


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